
12 Tips to Create a Professional Email Signature

For most people, one email signature is only basic information contact that is placed at the end of every email we send. However, for online business owners an email signature can be the cheapest, but also more effective, tool for online marketing, why? It enables us to promote our business without resorting to blatant advertising. It’s like giving a business card with a call to action.

There are many ways we can format the signature of an email, but using one may not be right for every situation, so we will mention some tips that can help a firm create professional, informative and easy to digest…

Email Signature

Tips to create an email signature

  1. Keep it as short as possible, providing all the information that is most important (four lines is a standard reference).
  2. Condenses the information in a few lines using pipettes (|) or double colon (::) to separate text
  3. Preferably the plain text is best, not many colors, special fonts or graphics.
  4. The double hyphen (-) is the delimiter most used and recognized by customers emails.
  5. Beware the HTML format, because you can end up with a different appearance depending on the client’s mistress and / or browser.
  6. Test your signatures with many email clients as possible, especially if you use HTML.
  7. Optimize your logo or other graphics, upload those files to your server and use absolute URLs.
  8. Provides the URL path of your site instead of using hyperlinks, to make sure the link works well in the sent message.
  9. Avoid including multiple phone numbers and email addresses. We must define our preference contact and leave out the rest.
  10. Only include your account information and Instant Messaging Skype if you really want to be contacted by anyone going to receive an e yours.
  11. Includes links to your profiles on major social networks, only if you consider it appropriate.
  12. Create different versions, and defines when to use one or the other (for example, create a short version for the answers).

Plus: Avoid including legal messages (privacy, etc..) unless really necessary.

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