Social Media

Simple Guide – Why and how to use Twitter

Twitter is an Internet social network service combined with a free and open messaging, people communicate in real time like no other medium allows. With Twitter you can receive notifications about the information you’re interested in mobile or PC. You will receive back what they publish only from the people who decided to follow.

That way we can be aware of the latest information and the most recent events. Few examples:

• If you’re a fan of an artist or athlete, you will receive what you post on your recent activity or personal life.

• If you are interested in fashion news you can follow people or companies that publish on the latest trends.

• If you attracted by the technology, film, music or any other subject just follow who post on the subject.

Some people do not publish anything, just read what others are up, they are only observers, is another option.

Why use Twitter?

Currently Twitter is one of the most important social media for advertising trends and the vast majority has an account, possess individuals, companies, brands and businesses. Entire world’s information can be found on Twitter in one way or another.

how to use Twitter

If you do not use Twitter, read and know the rules, maybe even you become an addict as has happened with many.

How to join in Twitter?

Having a Twitter account is simple; you just need to register an email address to send your notifications.

To request a new account follow these steps:

✓ Sign in to Twitter, you can use the following link you will not leave this page will open a new browser window or tab: Login to Twitter

✓ Enter your name, email address, password, and follow the steps in the wizard.

✓ Fill your profile page for that upload a picture and write a description of yourself with no more than 160 characters. This description is known as “Bio” which is very important because it will be what other people know about you and perhaps encouraged to follow.

✓ In your profile be sure to put a link to your blog or website, if you have one you can specify the address of your Facebook page or your profile on LinkedIn. If you have nothing of the above always have the option to create a profile on service ( where you insert all the necessary information about you, it’s free and you can serve as a reference in the network.

Post to Twitter

Post a message on Twitter is simple; just type it into the text box to find your site. Twitter is characterized by allowing publication of messages not exceeding 140 characters in them are including space between words, so if public:

I love you Tom

You used 15 characters and the counter will show that you still have to use 121 characters. Any message on your Twitter page, is known as “tweeting” and the message is called a “tweet.” What you post it users will follow you in real time. This allows any event as a news story, an accident or something unexpected comes instantly to others. If those who receive the tweet, think they should share and give a click “Retweet” means any event it could propagate faster than by any other means. That is the main feature and advantage offered by Twitter.

To know the functionality and the structure of twitter you can read the article “Functionality and Structure of a tweet on twitter

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